Welcome back to school!

Welcome back to school!

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A blessed #MindfulMonday is with us , we are full of strength to improve on ourselves. We thank God.
Receiving pupils in school after six months, wow! Is it not amazing? Thank you parents for your efforts to ensuring the learners were engaged throughout. Playing the role of a teacher was not a task to joke with but you managed. As

Cathsam School

,we take this opportunity to commend you for work well done.

We shall offer professional guidance and counselling services to our leaners before we settle for book work. We are sure this will give them the psychological and mental benefits that they need for proper learning.
Our teachers have also gone through the same training and it is a ready team now, to execute its duties with a lot of professionalism.
We hope to see all our leaners back in classes pretty soon. Continue to keep safe !!
#cathsamschool #info@cathsamschool.ac.ke
Call us on 0726_759990 or 0733_516160

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